The controlled designation of origin "OLTINA" can be supplemented, depending on the interests of the producers, with one of the following viticultural names: ALIMAN, DUNARENI, VLAHII, DERVENT, LIPNITA, RAZOARE, VIILE, CHIRNOGENI. The delimited area for the production of wines with the controlled designation of origin "OLTINA" includes the following localities (municipalities, cities, communes and villages), located in Constanta county:
- Mun. Oltina satele Oltina, Satu Nou, Razoarele, Strunga;
- Mun. Baneasa satele Baneasa, Negureni, Faurei;
- Mun. Ion Corvin satele Viile, Ion Corvin, Crangu, Brebeni, Raristea;
- Mun. Aliman satele Aliman, Dunareni, Vlahii;
- Mun. Lipnita satele Lipnita, Coslugea, Canlia;
- Mun. Ostrov satele Ostrov, Almalau, Garlita;
- Mun. Chirnogeni satul Chirnogeni.
Product Name: Alira
European quality certification: Protected Designation of Origin
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Identification area:
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