

The controlled designation of origin "OLTINA" can be supplemented, depending on the interests of the producers, with one of the following viticultural names: ALIMAN, DUNARENI, VLAHII, DERVENT, LIPNITA, RAZOARE, VIILE, CHIRNOGENI. The delimited area for the production of wines with the controlled designation of origin "OLTINA" includes the following localities (municipalities, cities, communes and villages), located in Constanta county:

  • Mun. Oltina satele Oltina, Satu Nou, Razoarele, Strunga;
  • Mun. Baneasa satele Baneasa, Negureni, Faurei;
  • Mun. Ion Corvin satele Viile, Ion Corvin, Crangu, Brebeni, Raristea;
  • Mun. Aliman satele Aliman, Dunareni, Vlahii;
  • Mun. Lipnita satele Lipnita, Coslugea, Canlia;
  • Mun. Ostrov satele Ostrov, Almalau, Garlita;
  • Mun. Chirnogeni satul Chirnogeni.

Product Name: Alira

European quality certification: Protected Designation of Origin


Manufacturer contact details:

Identification area:

Product features:

"South-East Geographical Indications" is a platform for promoting Geographical Indication products from the Black Sea region. Our aim is exclusively to promote certified products. Since there is no commercial relationship between the promotion platform and the seller of the product, we decline responsibility for any issue related to the sale of the promoted products.